Friday, March 30, 2012

And the Nun shouted out....

Last Tuesday, a trip to the doctors office for a nasty infection necessitated a trip to my local pharmacy. I chose to go to CVS on Folsom Blvd. I left off 3 prescriptions  and chose to wait the 15 - 20 minutes it would take to fill them.
People watching and  ear hustling are two of my favorite things to do while pretending to read my Kindle. The clerk at the pharmacy counter made the ear hustling easy. She talked really loud all the time to any one who came in.  I saw a nun come to the counter to drop off a prescription and she waited. A 30'ish something woman came to the counter. the clerk greeted her by name. The customer had picked up meds the day before. She came in to return one. She said"My grandfather can't use this med. It's not his prescription. the nun, who obviously loved to ear hustle also responded, "What was it for? Birth control pills?" The customer turned around and said, "Yes, as a matter of fact, it was."
the nun was still chuckling when she sat down next to me.
i went to pick up my prescriptions. There were four bags in front of me that I was being charged for. I mentioned to the very loud clerk that I only was picking up 3 prescriptions. She took the $5.00 off my charges. Her response in her very loud voice, "Well it was in the same basket as your prescription. Guess I picked it up by mistake."
Moral, always check your prescriptions before you leave the pharmacy. I will complain to the manager. The really loud clerk is a lawsuit waiting to happen.

My Neightbor Ruth

Ruth lived one block up on the left of my street, kitty corner from the neighborhood swim club. Up until a few years ago, I didn't know Ruth. She lived in a house with a 3' high chain length fence around it, ivy crawling up the chains. There was a protective front door and black security bars on the windows. 
She was one of the neighbors you just saw.  Ruth. She was not the type of person just to come out and chat. Once in a while she drove her car. Another while you would see her walking around the block.
I got to know Ruth when I worked at a neighborhood health club. She came in a couple of times a week. We would chat. She was a nurse, a Vietnam Vet. She was married to Leonard an officer. I remember because that is my father's name is Leonard. She was the same age as my dad, 86. Ruth said Vietnam wasn't a bad post until they started shooting at you. She only mentioned her only family was on the East Coast. She had been raised by her father.
In the summer months, I would see Ruth in the evenings when I was dog walking. She was usually on her way home from Raleys, carrying a plastic bag each hand. Each bag contained one cylindrical carton of  ice cream.  Ruth appeared to love her ice cream. Some evenings we'd chat for a minute, some evenings just wave.
Last week there was a moving truck in front of Ruth's house. I found out she'd passed away. The house had been sold. She only had one nephew living on the East Coast. He  commissioned the company to sell her estate. The estate sale was to start the next morning.
The garage was full of kitchen items for sale. Sitting in the middle of one of the tables was a Saucy Walker doll just like the one I had when I was little. I felt compelled to go back to the sale.
By the time I got there, the doll was gone. The inside house was immaculate just like I'd expect from a nurse. I found some railroad books to give to my father for Father's day, some records in perfect condition to play on my new turntable and a string of deep blue pearls to remember my neighbor Ruth. Pearls were Ruth's birthstone.
Two days later, the house was closed up. the van was gone. I'm left with memories of my neighbor Ruth.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

OK Cyclists, You are Really Pissing Me Off...

How come cyclists think they can blow through stop signs? Last night I witnessed 2 cyclists riding next to each other, chatting away,  blow through a stop sign at a 4-way stop at the corner of 6th and T street. There was a car turning left in front of them. I watched  the driver wait patiently for her turn to proceed through the intersection. Fortunately the car was going slow enough for the driver to stop when the cyclists entered the intersection. The cyclists had to swerve to miss running into the side of her car. One of them had the audacity to say, "I didn't even see her." Hello, if you had stopped at the stop sign, like all the cars, you would have noticed the traffic around you.
Cyclists are considered vehicles on the road. I hope these same two people when they drive cars do not blow through the intersections.. I do not understand why unprotected ccyclist's think they are entitled to disregard traffic signals, stop signs and speed limits. It's no wonder motorists hate cyclists.
So fellow cyclists, as there are more of us on the road, follow the rules of the road, don't blow through the stop signs. Give the rest of us a break. Thank you

Friday, March 16, 2012

On Losing A Daughter

Losing my Kimmy, what can I say? I learned to survive, I've learned to live, to laugh. I've learned to have fun again. I've learned it's ok to drive past our spots, to walk in the parks where we walked, where you played, I learned I can go to our restaurants, your bars, see your friends. I think of you commuting down Hwy 50 everyday when I drive home. I thank you everyday for the comfort of Sam the dog. I thank you for MAC makeup.
I think I am surviving, I think I am living, I think I am ok, then something comes along and slaps me upside the head.
Last year I went to premier of a dance At the Crocker Art Galley. I knew the group performing the dance. I didn't know of the artist who inspired the dance. I saw one of your high school buddies who recognized me. I told her about you. The performance was about the loss of a child. I was so stunned, I just watched the veiled dancers, shedding their gauzy shrouds to celebrate a day and putting them back on to exist another. The closing view of two little girls, one with blond hair, the other with brown, running hand-in-hand in a field of flowers. You and Emmy. My invisible veil covers my face, hiding the tears.
This year, it's the birthday celebration of a 20/30 something coworker, on your birthday. She wears a pink gerbera in her hair just like you. An orchid and card were left on the porch by a former boyfriend.
We remember, we celebrate the memories, we honor the life that was with friends and family young and old.

Happy 30th baby girl.

...And the Shamrockin' Winner Is ...... Me....

Unlike most racers, I don't own a Garmin or any other timing device. This is my personal preference. I like to be able to depend on my body to tell me the pace and whether or not I can go faster on any given day.
You might ask how I know what pace I am doing during a race. First couple of miles are usually about 14:30 to warm up the feet and legs. Next couple of miles would be speeding up to the 14 mph range. I also start looking for someone seems to be pacing at about the same rate. If we are close for a mile or 2, I'll start chatting and casually ask what pace they are doing. One walker on Sunday, had no clue, just like me. The second walker, was paying quite close attention to her time. She was averaging 14 min miles. That was going to be too slow to accomplish my under 3 hr time so I picked up the pace. I cut all the corners, the shortest distance between 2 points is a straight line, dodged slower walkers, shoulders up, chest out, lats and seratis (lower back muscles), tighten the glutes and pushed up the hills, posed for pictures and kept moving.

finish time...... 2:59:33.29. Man that's like my big toe crossed in the 2 hr time and my little toe in 3 hrs.
Not too bad for aiming for under 3 hr finish time without using a Garmin.

Monday, March 12, 2012

I Rocked the Shamrockin' 2012 1/2 Marathon

No Blisters, no Blisters, NO BLISTERS. What a day. My first race ever without a blister.  I danced at the party afterward, walked to my car, walked the dog. No Blisters. No pain. Lovin' my Merrill minimalist shoes. They fit like a glove. No rubbing, no black toenails. They aren't for everyone, but they are perfect for me.
Mother Nature smiled on us today. Perfect race weather. Just a smattering of raindrops early, cloudy skies with temps in the 50's. Race course took us through downtown along Capitol Avenue, over to E street and past New Roma Bakery, oh for an extra minute or 2 to stop, then along the American River bike trail to Discovery Park, through Old Sac, along the Sacramento River, back through downtown, over the Tower Bridge and ending in the Raley Field in field. Worst part of the race, you have to walk up the stairs from the field. Reward was great friends greeting at the end of the race. Oh and the free Killian beer.
My food worked well, 2 boiled eggs, coffee and a banana before the race, Cutie at mile 3, trail mix when needed, Cutie about mile 7,  banana at mile 9, trail mix and last Cutie at mile 11. Never any hunger or feeling like I was dragging. I did not miss the goo, blocks, sport beans. My body seems much happier with more protein and the carbs from the Cuties, dried fruit and bananas.
And my time.......under 3 hrs, still waiting for official times to be posted. To be continued.....

Saturday, March 10, 2012

It's Shamrockin' Eve

All systems ready to go. Package pickup, check, shirt, check, cuter Shamrockin shirt purchased, check, weather, cloudy with 20% chance of rain, check. There's only so much I can control, Mother Nature's not included.
My start time is 8:15 which is a full 2 hours after recommended arrival time. That is ridiculous since I live 15 min away from the start line. Parking is limited At Raley's Field.
I'm planning to park near The Crocker Art Gallery, about 1/2 mile away and bring out the trusty little red fold up bike. I'll ride over the Tower Bridge by 7:30. Losing 1 hr on Sunday is tough enough without having to be in West Sac so early.
Hydration is continuing. Carboloading is taking on a different form since I am trying to cut out wheat and grains. No pasta tonight! Looks like trout and a big green salad for dinner.
I'll pack my little hip pack with trail mix, a couple of cutie oranges, have an extra banana and Cytomax in the water bottle. this mix of food had worked up to 15 miles. I might throw in some caffeinated candy to suck on. A girl needs her food. the 13.1 miles should take 3 hrs give or take. Goal is always under 3 hrs. Whatever the time is is going to be the best I'm going to have ever for that day.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Shamrockin' T-2 and Counting

The first year I completed the Shamrockin' was 2009.  Actually, it was my first 1/2 marathon. I started with the CIM, 26.2 miles.  Had I know how far a 1/2 marathon is, I  would shave never done a full one.
My daughter Emily and I arrived early to make sure we had a parking spot at Raley Field. We finished our coffee, chatted, got ready to get out to join the potty lines. We were quite proud of ourselves for arriving early so we could relax before the race, not be rushed. I reached down to put the timing chip on my shoe. It wasn't there. I had left my number and chip at home on the table. Geez Louise or words to that effect.
There was about 1/2 hr until the official race start. I was in a slower group so had a few extra minutes before before my wave started. Home is about 15 min away.
I raced home, got my number and chip, raced back to West Sac, wandered down side streets trying to find a parking space. I manage to get onto a closed road, but had a really nice officer who saw my panicked faceand allowed me to continue on the street to get off onto a side road. I found parking and had enough time to visit the potty and make the start line. Whew!
Talk about stressful start to a race.
Lesson learned. The race number is always pinned on my jersey and the timing chip is looped through the shoelace the night before the race.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Rocking the Sham 3 days to go

"Oh no!" Mr. Bill  exclaimed this morning, "not rain."  The Sac Bee reports rain on Sunday, Weather Channel 10 % chance of rain. I'm choosing to believe the Weather Channel. I've never walked a race in the rain and don't want to on Sunday. Thirteen miles is a long way in wet shoes and socks.
Training for the race is complete except for short walk tomorrow. Package pickup starts today. Carboloading tomorrow. Hydration continuing.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Shamrockin' 2012 4 Days to Go

I am recovering from my Tuesday night Katie Vona massage. I mentioned my left Achilles tendon felt a bit sore. 20 minutes later, she had finished popping my toe joints, finding areas between the bones to release, massaged both calves and popped a joint I'd never heard of in the arch of my foot and announced my feet ready to go. She finished off with my hip joints, lower back and hamstring. All the time we chat away, me just to keep my mind off the occasional burst of pain when she locates something that needs to be released.
Her massages are like long races, they feel so good when they are over.
So, my hips will be loose, leg muscles relaxed and feet able to bend properly.

Shamrockin' here I come.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Shamrockin 1/2 marathon 3-11-3012

Five days and counting until the 3-11-2012 Shamrockin' 1/2 marathon. Should be perfect weather, mid 60's with 8 mph wind. 
I've had a successful winter training season. My 9 mile round trip walk to and from Wm Pond Park has give me a solid base to build on. Highest mileage is 15 miles, average Sat walk has been  11-12 miles. I'm ready.
This will be the first race for my minimalist Merrill shoes. So far, NO BLISTERS. After 4 years of suffering, this is amazing. All my toenails are intact except for the big toenail damaged last Oct that has just begun to grow out.
This will also be my first goo, gel, block, sport bean free race. I've been eating boiled eggs, Cutie oranges, nuts and dried fruit and bananas for nutrition.
I'm drinking lemon lime Cytomax for hydration and electrolytes.
For my fellow Shamrockers, hydration begins today.

Sunday, March 4, 2012


Tina Turkey crossed the bike trail to get to the other side....maybe away from Tom on the other side.
Looks like Tom is taken.
Picts taken near Guy West Bridge on the American River Bike Trail. There were about a dozen turkeys on one side, 3 toms. On the other side, where the hens are heading, I counted at least 20 more heads popping up and down. When I passed by the same site about 20 minutes later, they were not to be found.